Your Focus Should Not Just Be About Managing Your Weight But Stabilizing It Long Term!
While that might seem like a distant goal, it is important to realize this is more then just a weight loss program. Using long-term and recent scientifically proven research on weight management, our program incorporates these principles into a supervised, innovative, safe, and highly effective program. We practice a four-phase program designed to help you reach your goal and to maintain that goal for a lifetime. Each phase is an important aspect that reinforces and supports the others. Commitment to only a part of the program will give you only partial results. The four phases are:
The details of each phase of the program will be outlined for you and should be followed closely to produce satisfying and consistent results.
What you can expect from this program...
THREE Proteins
FOUR Vegetables
TWO Complex Carbohydrates (Fiber)
TWO Fruits
Sample Daily Diet Menu:
Breakfast: Slice of Toast with Diet Jelly, Yogurt, Coffee or Tea
Midday Snack: 1 Small Peach, Snap Peas
Lunch: Chef Salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, hard boiled egg, 6 oz. turkey or chicken
Dinner: Breast of Chicken baked with Lemon and Seasoning, Asparagus
Dessert: 5 oz. Sugar Free Frozen Yogurt

"It's about who you are and where you want to be. It's about the willingness to do what you have to do to have what you want."
"I am among the group of people that have tried everything to lose weight. I have used powders, packets, and fad pills. The Grapefruit diet, Popcorn diet, Hollywood diet, bar bells, machines, packaged foods, frozen foods, fasting, creams, saran wraps, and even tried to steam it off. Finally, my physician told me about this program and I figured "why not?" I've tried everything else. Two months later I had lost more pounds than I had lost altogether with all the other stuff combined. This diet really works! I had several of my friends ask me how I did it and I told them about this program."
-Nick Rose
Learn How To Earn a Complimentary Week
- Safe and consistent weight reduction, averaging two to three pounds per week
- Loss of hunger after the first few days
- High energy levels and a sense of well-being
- Confidence that you are being motivated by skilled, sensitive and experienced staff
- Improvement or elimination of health risk factors associated with obesity, including high
blood pressure, diabetes, fluid retention, arthritis and elevated cholesterol
- No calorie counting or complicated meal planning
- Reasonable cost in comparison to weight reduction by other methods
-- no sale pressure or contracts
- Individually prescribed programs
- Support and education to resolved the conflicts and issues that accompany your weight loss